Thank Yous & Some 411
First and foremost, I want to thank you ALL for your interest in k.a.i-y.a! Really, I never knew there would be SO much interest. I am humbled by the amount of people that check out my blog daily and post or email me with nice comments. Again, thank you!
I've had a great time sewing, creating and spending a lot of time with my little muse and friends this summer. I'm sad that summer is over and I'm officially back to school. It's exciting because after this semester I can close THIS chapter in my book of school. But, it's also sad because I had SO much free time to sew...I'm now reorganizing to handle the business and my commitment to my final 16 credits this semester.
I never knew this whole process was going to be so time consuming. There are so many factors that go into play when starting a small sewing business and keeping up with a blog. When there is no store to personally go look at an item you have to ensure that the people looking at your blog can get a very detailed idea of what you're selling. That's not always easy to do over a computer. I feel like we're getting better at it though. I'm practicing with my new awesome camera McHubs bought me and hopefully my sweet photographer skills will kick in some day soon :) Suggestions on angles are welcome!
As you can imagine, I was totally unprepared for any of this. Starting something is VERY exciting but as time goes on you start discovering the things that work and don't work to everyone's advantage. So with that said, I made a few changes to the blog.
The first one is I changed my purchasing button to a "add to cart" button. There were many emails from people wanting to know how to order more than one item more easily. Since I am still trying to learn the ropes I decided this might be an easier way to do it. I also added a "view cart" button on the right hand side. These changes I'm hoping will make ordering easier for all of you.
When you purchase anything through PayPal, you do have to sign up for the site (it's free and allows you to pay with multiple forms of payment, even checks I believe). When you purchase anything through my website, I get an email from PayPal notifying me of your payment. This is the easiest way for me to get an order actually. If using the buttons at the bottom of each post is not working for you, feel free to go ahead and email me your order and specify the name, size and quantity of the items that you want. I will then send you an invoice through PayPal. Once payment is received, I will notify you of the time it will take me to get your order shipped.
Another change I made was including combo pricing for items that I notice are almost always ordered together (skirts/shorts and shirts). Just another way to show my appreciation :)
Thanks again for your business, and if you have any questions about these changes, just let me know. I want to make sure I get things done and out to you as soon as possible and this way will be best for me to keep track of things.