The Power of Prayer
It's November and the thought that this year is just about over blows my mind!! 2014 ended rough for me, like reeeeaaallly, really rough for me - I was broken. As soon as 2015 hit I made a commitment to myself that I was going to work hard to try and be better in all aspects of my life.
I remember sitting in my car in January with a friend talking about this and we made the commitment to each other that WE would be better. I was committed to going back to church, filling my soul with good friends and conversations, but more importantly 2015 for me has been filled with prayer! BIG INTENTIONAL prayers and I can now look back today - November 2nd, and I have seen God totally show up and answer many of those BIG prayers! Prayers so BIG you looking back at those request now, it would seem unimaginable that they could be answered. You see, God wants us to pray BIG, dream BIG and ask BIG. There is never a prayer to BIG for God and I am proof that those verses in The Bible aren't just there to fill up space.
Every step I took this year was in faith and trust me the bumps and derails on the road have thrown me for a loop - but I KNOW and trust so much what God is doing in my life that those bumps on the road just can't hold me down!! I have learned to see life through a different lens and I find myself being grateful for those situations in my past that have broken me. Deep down I now understand that there is breakthrough after the breakdown - I didn't know that last December.
I have grown in so many ways, I am still a work in progress but I am so much happier because I made that commitment to myself and my family.
In church last week the message talked about how we get so caught up waiting for God to answer our specific prayers that we miss all the other miracles that are taking place and that He is making happen around us every single day. Don't miss those miracles - being on this Earth today is a grateful and you will see how the simple things in life that we take for granted almost everyday are BIG amazing miracle and make such a big difference!
With All My Love & Tons Blessings!