Checking In

Consider this my Tuesday check-in!
If you read my previous emails you might know by now that in January we are setting our intention as "just show up!"
If the last few emails ended up in junk mail let me just quickly catch you up. We are doing one simple thing to really set the foundation for 2019 on the right foot!
We are getting up 30 minutes to an hour before our usual alarm, spending a least 10 minutes showering, getting dressed, doing something to our hair and face (aka make-up: mascara, lipstick, blush at the minimum) and then spending time in quite mode. Journal, read, or both. This 30 min/hour should have nothing to do with anyone but you (and hopefully time with Jesus) meaning no kiddos/hubby/mom/mil – you get the point. So guard it with your life. Starting your morning showing up for yourself is key to feeling incredible every single day, not to mention is the foundation for creating the best year yet in 2019!
And before you knock the idea of getting up earlier than you already do - I want you to ponder something: have you ever felt completely overwhelmed, irritable, annoyed with your kids, your husband, life at the end of the day? Do you think there are never enough hours in your day? If you answered yes to one or all of these - I'll be 100% honest with you - getting up early will completely eradicate those feelings. Right now they feel like nuances - later they start looking like me I've been there and felt that!
I want to show you how quickly and easily it is to get dressed in the morning. Getting dressed in the morning is a very specific task. It requires you to put the workout clothes away and BE INTENTIONAL about wearing a cute pair of pants/jeans with a blouse or t-shirt (by t-shirt I mean one that fits your body well. Not some oversized one you've had since your first pregnancy or college :) )
Believe it or not this process takes the same amount of time but you look and feel like a more put together version of yourself. Not to mention you honestly create a more productive routine for your day by doing this, which means you are well on your way to making 2019 the year that blows your mind!
Have you started your January intention of Just Show Up (for yourself)? If so, I'd love to hear about it! Send me an email (hello @ and tell me how it's going for you...if you are just now seeing this email and want to partake in this NEW you...send a note saying I'M IN!
Praying for many amazing things to come from just showing up for yourself!