I Lift You Up Today!

Today, I wanted to take a minute to just pray for you guys. I’m not sure you all know this but more often than not I find myself praying over you. Those of you I know by name I pray specifically for you and those I only know from the group but haven’t met I pray for as well.
Today I realized, after starting my morning off on a not-so-perfect note, I prayed as I was driving to studio that God would give me peace in the midst of life's chaos. I found myself, shortly after getting in my car, in a room filled with amazing women, that were enjoying their Saturday morning and were happy to spend some time not only shopping but mostly with each other. And it put into perspective how much we need our “squad” and how community with others truly brings the best out of us.
Today’s prayer is for your souls to be lifted during times of less than perfect moments and that God grants you the grace and wisdom to know having a not so great moment makes you human, not a terrible person. I pray God refreshes you today (refresh was a word spoken to me yesterday and I’m praying that over myself as well) with his living water and cleanses your spirit of anything that could be weighing on you in this very moment.
I pray for your health, your family’s health, and your safety. I pray that if there is any ailment in your body or in your mind that God cleanses it with his holy hands and removes it completely from your being. I pray God guides you today to make the right choices to show immense grace and to live this moment with love for others even when you might not feel they deserve it. I learned that loving even with it’s hard is essentially what Jesus wants from us every. single. day. So love others through their moods, through their quirks, through their flaws. I pray immense blessings and provision in your life and that God speaks to you so clearly when answering your prayers you know it’s HIM without a doubt.
Thank you for blessing me with your love and support. You are all blessings to me and I thank you for sticking around this crazy rollercoaster ride that this last year has been.
I pray you all have an amazing fun filled weekend.
BE Blessed!
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