Today is my firstborns birthday. I find myself staring at her - in the super awkward sort of creepy mom way. You know, the look you give your kids when you realize they are yours, they are getting older and that life is passing by way too fast.
We just got back from vacation with the fam bam at the gorgeous Kimpton Seafire Resort + Spa in Grand Cayman. It was beautiful and relaxing and I did not want to leave!
I'm certain you have all seen the off the shoulder trends every where you go. In fact, I believe here at KD we have at least a handful of styles with this very trend. One of the first things our beautiful customers ask us when they try this trend on is "if it's going to hike up on the shoulders?
There is no surprise that I love me some shoes. Right before my vacation I was on the hunt for some cute sandals to take with me that I could wear with all the Kaiya Designs goodies I had packed in my suitcase - only to fall short.
2 years ago I made it point to start my day with gratitude. Even on the hard days, even on the sleepless days, even on the days where I have had weeks of tears, where I'm walking into each day without knowing what is in front on me because things in life just feel so dang hard at that time.
Guess what - it has transformed me. I thank God for the hurts, and the hard, and the roadblocks and the mountain I am climbing or the disappointments and I allow Him to work through those days and try not to worry.
Funny enough this post is more about Max’s 5th birthday than anything else. But you see if I would not have broken free of the chains of shame this email would not have been written.
If I’m going to brutally honest Max was 99.9% never going to happen. I never envisioned a life with another child. After 4 years I was finally getting in the groove of having my one kid. Kaiya was finally “easy.” I never for a second imagined Max would be in my life…which means Eve was literally just a big ole surprise!
First and foremost, I want to thank you ALL for your interest in k.a.i-y.a! Really, I never knew there would be SO much interest. I am humbled by the amount of people that check out my blog daily and post or email me with nice comments. Again, thank you!
I've had a great time sewing, creating and spending a lot of time with my little muse and friends this summer. I'm sad that summer is over and I'm officially back to school. It's exciting because after this semester I can close THIS chapter in my book of school. But, it's also sad because I had SO much free time to sew...I'm now reorganizing to handle the business and my commitment to my final 16 credits this semester.